Registration profile
Polityka Insight's subscriber
Personal data
First Name
Last Name
Business data
Company name
Submitting the form is equivalent to consenting to the processing of personal data provided in the registration form by Polityka Insight Sp. z o.o., KRS: 0000754865, and the European Council on Foreign Relations for purposes related to the organization of the conference.
By registering a person other than myself, I declare that I have been authorized to provide the personal data included in the form and to consent to its processing.
I agree to the transfer of the personal data provided in the registration form to the conference partners for their own marketing activities related to the promotion of their own products and services.
I agree to receive commercial information at the email address provided in the registration form. If you consent, you will be able to receive up-to-date information about our events, products, and services, as well as access to trial offers. If you have also consented to the processing of your data by our partners and contractors, you may receive regular updates about their offers as well.
I agree to the use of my image recorded in photos and video footage taken during the conference, allowing its distribution in post-conference materials, particularly on the websites of Polityka Insight, the European Council on Foreign Relations, and the conference partners (a list of which is available on the conference website).